Peach of Eternity
2021 – Publication, Cut Paper
“Peach of Eternity” is a thought-provoking publication that explores the Chinese myth of the Peach of Eternity in a contemporary context. According to Chinese mythology, the Peaches of Eternity, known as “sīn tòuh,” are magical fruits grown by the Heavenly Queen Mother, which grant eternal youth to those who consume them.
In one particular myth, the queen gave Emperor Wu four peaches as a magical gift of healing, leaving a lasting impression on him. However, since the Peaches of Eternity only grew in the queen’s garden, the emperor demanded his ministers to steal some. This story sets the stage for the theme of the journal, where the symbolic nature of peaches in traditional Chinese culture is used to comment on the modern obsession with attaining an unattainable “immortality.”
In Chinese mythology and culture, peaches are often associated with fertility, femininity, and longevity. For example, peach blossoms only bloom in the springtime, and they are often used as a metaphor for beautiful yet short-lived women in Chinese literature. The journal explores the idea of beauty and youth as fragile and transient, drawing parallels between the process of cutting in traditional Chinese paper art and cosmetic procedures that are pursued in contemporary society.
The publication delves into society’s increasing obsession with maintaining a “youthful” appearance, particularly focusing on how women are conditioned to fear aging and associate it with loss and irrelevance. It highlights the exploitation of false promises made by cosmetic procedures and products, which claim to be essential in achieving the desired youthful appearance.
Overall, “Peach of Eternity” presents a contemporary interpretation of the Chinese myth, exploring the symbolism of peaches in traditional Chinese culture and commenting on society’s obsession with youth and the pursuit of immortality in the modern world.